Divinity Original Sin 2 Attitude Companions. Explore an open world and interact with everything and everyone you see. I tried googling but there were only.
Hello Usa Divinity Original Sin Enhanced Edition Companions from 2.bp.blogspot.com Original sin 2 > общие обсуждения > подробности темы. Of course, you should keep in mind that that some of them come. Beast beast is a dwarf companion in divinity original sin 2 and to find this companion, players need to head west of fort joy toward the beach.
Attitude is reduced when you don't help the companions with their origin quests and is increased when you help them with those quests.
Companions who really don't like you will leave your party. Original sin 2 are party members that can join the player during the course of the game. Companions are equipped with their own unique backstories, conversation tags, and talents, which is why they are also available as origin options when starting a new game. They have unique conversation tags and starting in act 2 you will have your recruited origin characters, and gain the ability to recruit mercenaries (if you feel like you really need to swap.