Kingdom Come Zmola. Do not just reload the save u have to restart the game in order to fix bug. Zmola was known to be very vain, dressing in fine clothing not suitable for construction work.
Kingdom Come Deliverance Komplettlosung Alle Hauptquests Und Nebenquests Inkl Tipps Im Walkthrough Komplettlosung Von Gameswelt from All you need to do, is to tell overseer about zmola. If it was helpful like it and subscribe thank you note: The unexpected fact was that zmola actualy whant to kill me
Zmola is a character in kingdom come:
Zmola asks you to meet with him and leshek under scaffolding after dusk. Kingdom come deliverance game guide by If you want, you can support me on patreon: Zmola was the assistant to karel, the master builder at the sasau monastery, and was responsible for the smaller building site while karel managed the church construction.