Spine Of Keres Imperial Chest. You will also receive some imperials, a in the event you need more imperials, consider completing the menagerie triumphs, as each of them rewards 500 imperials. As the season of opulence in destiny 2 rolls along, new bounties for emperor calus have been added as part of the weekly reset.
Imperial treasure map (spine of keres) is a weekly bounty.
Imperial treasure maps are the new weekly bounties in season of opulence, but you'll need to hunt for some golden chests to get your rewards. You can find destiny 2 imperial treasure map dreaming city spine of keres location on the planet inside the cave. You'll find this imperial treasure map in the spire of keres at the top left of the map in the dreaming city. Destiny 2 lumina spine of keres chest in the dreaming city • system positioning device.